It has been a terrible year for the entertainment industry, as countless projects have been put on hold, postponed, or even cancelled. From popular television series to upcoming blockbusters, studios are looking for ways to keep their plans in play. One of the studios that have been heavily affected by this year’s operational halt, is, […]
As Random as a game of Pazzak
Legends of Luke Skywalker- TWL #390

Like mythical stories told around a campfire, we sit down and discuss some of the most legendary stories about Luke Skywalker and what they teach us about his character and about our own journeys! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
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Dark Legends – Review

Last year author George Mann and artist Grant Griffin brought us the whimsical book Myths & Fables, giving Star Wars fans the opportunity to experience in-universe tales from the galaxy, far, far away. This year they have something a little more foreboding in their latest collaboration, Star Wars: Dark Legends. The book is a collection […]
Duel of the Fates- TWL #389

We are joined by special guest Jamie Dwyer, creator and producer of the “Duel of the Fates” podcast which is a radio dramatization of the Episode IX script by Colin Treverrow! We discuss the creation of the radio drama as well as some of our favorite story elements introduced in this alternate story ending for […]
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Shadow Fall – Review

Shadow Fall continues the adventures of Alphabet Squadron as they help General Syndulla and her battle group secure the Cerberon system as well as create a plan to entrap the dangerous Shadow Wing. In many ways, Shadow Fall follows the mold of The Empire Strikes Back in splinting up the characters, as well as getting to […]
Dooku- TWL #388

We dive into a character study of the unforgettable Count Dooku as we explore his complex story that has been developed through the movies, the Clone Wars, novels, and of course “Jedi Lost”! Grab your finest cape and join us as we discuss the gallant Count of Sorreno! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on […]