Andor Set Leaks + New Deets on the Open World SW Game – SWR #460

Catch Riley and Bethany in this week’s podcast!

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  • COVID-19 may have decimated the convention scene, but ReedPop have sidestepped that to some degree by focusing on the online experience, and ReedPop President Lance Fensterman gave some more detail on their 2021 plans.
  • So what does that look like?
  • For starters we’re carefully planning a safe return to live events and strongly believe we’ll be able to do so at some point this year. We’ve moved all our live events to the second half of the year, placing bets on the calendar of when a given market will be ready for them. Rest assured, we will not run events until it’s safe and will take every step to assure all participants can be there safely. As a leading events company we have professionals developing protocols to ensure a safe and responsible return to events. You can find our schedule of planned events here.
  • The first half of this year will be filled with a myriad of new digital offerings built on what we learned from you about our digital efforts in 2020. We’ll feature numerous virtual events focused on targeted fan communities. We’re also excited to unveil new products that connect you with fans in new ways and provide access to exclusive digital content 
  • catch up with Lucasfilm Games VP Douglas Reilly about the new era in Star Wars gaming which will see new collaborations as well as a continuation of old alliances bringing exciting games over the coming years, including the new open-world game announced this week. It’s a genre long-requested by fans, and will come to life via Massive Entertainment, Ubisoft’s critically-acclaimed studio based in Malmö, Sweden. “We’re really excited about an opportunity to work with the team at Massive, led by David Polfeldt and the creative director, Julian Gerighty. We’ve spent almost a year now, working to get to know them and what they want to bring to the table,” Reilly says. “I’m a huge fan of them, personally. I think we’re really excited about where that project is going, because they have a unique vision for the story and the game they want to deliver.”
  • Of course, Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment are renowned for their expertise in developing immersive worlds, and in pushing the boundaries of technology with their proprietary engine, Snowdrop. “We know that fans of Star Wars value the feeling of immersion — of being transported into the Star Wars galaxy and moving through richly-detailed environments. It’s fun to imagine what the team at Massive can do within Star Wars by bringing their innovative spirit and their commitment to quality,” Reilly says.
  • Continuing the relationship that resulted in the reinvigorated Battlefront series, the critically-acclaimed Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and multiplayer hit Star Wars: Squadrons, Electronic Arts will too play a big role in the future of Star Wars gaming. “We’re really proud of the games we have created with EA,” Reilly says. “We will continue working with them and our relationship has never been stronger. While we may not have a lot of details to share at the moment, we’ve got a number of projects underway with the talented teams at EA.”
  • As with EA over the last few years, Lucasfilm Games will continue to guide titles from the franchise perspective, from ensuring Star Wars authenticity to story connectivity within the larger saga. “We try and help them leverage their passion, expertise, and idea by bringing our expertise around the IP, our ability to connect with other parts of Lucasfilm and The Walt Disney Company, to amplify that. To make it even bigger than they might imagine,” Reilly says. “We want to uncover the stories they’ve always imagined telling and make them resonate with our fans, and across the wider Star Wars galaxy.” 
  • The UK’s largest tabloid, The Sun, has revealed pictures of the exterior sets for the upcoming ‘Andor’ Disney+ TV series in the sleepy UK town of Little Marlow, sets that the paper mistakenly attributes to the Obi-Wan Kenobi TV series.
  • Fantha Tracks have reviewed public records for the site, and we have been able to confirm that the set is in fact for ‘Andor.’ Whilst we won’t publish correspondence we have seen that confirms this as we wish to protect the private contact details of the people involved in the deal, we can show you picture proof that it is the Andor set below.

Boba’s Bounty:

  • Riley: Galaxy’s Edge
  • Bethany: Sam Kim Star Wars Music

Download the mp3 HERE! (Right-click and “save as”)

Author: Riley Blanton

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