The Hollywood Reporter profiles Kathleen Kennedy

Lucasfilm’s Kathleen Kennedy on ‘Star Wars,’ ‘Lincoln’ and Secret J.J. Abrams Meetings: Kennedy already had called Beth Swofford, Abrams’ CAA agent, and been told Abrams was too deeply engaged in the nextStar Trek movie and other obligations at Paramount — not to mention innumerable television projects — to consider the job. Nonetheless, Abrams agreed to meet with […]

Yoda’s Wisdom SWR #71

Who is Kathleen Kennedy? On the latest SWR podcast, we talk about the woman who is behind Star Wars. Why does America have such contempt for abstract and modern art? Are uncreative artists creating universal hatred for great art? *Cough* prequels *Cough* Riley reviews of SWTOR free to play. Darth Vader’s a diva. Matthew Vaughn To […]