Greetings all, and welcome to Star Wars Beyond the Films! This is the last of three episodes discussing the Star Wars novel, Darth Plagueis. Joining your hosts, Nathan and Mark, once again is guest host Peter Morrison! All three hosts on this episode really enjoyed Part 3 of Darth Plagueis, and the “plots within subplots” that […]
Darth Plagueis
Darth Plagueis: At Last We Will Have Revenge – SWBTF #6

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! This is the second of three episodes discussing the Star Wars novel, Darth Plagueis. Joining your hosts, Nathan and Mark, once again is guest host Peter Morrison! Darth Plagueis provokes many interesting theories and thoughts about the Force and it’s usage. Is the Force more like a […]
Darth Plagueis: At Last We Will Reveal Ourselves – SWBTF #5

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! On this episode your hosts Nathan and Mark are joined by Peter Morrison, founder of LightSaber Rattling, and they discuss the Star Wars novel Darth Plagueis. This episode is full of spoilers; you have been warned! Right away your hosts start off by talking about the fifth, […]
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Darth Plagueis Commentary: Chapters 4-7

Darth Plagueis Commentary: Chapters 4 – 7 Here is part two of our ongoing commentary of the Star Wars novel Darth Plagueis. If you missed part one, click here to check it out. For this section of the commentary Bethany and Mark of the Star Wars Report podcast return to discuss chapters 4 through 7 […]
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Darth Maul’s Return to Star Wars in The Clone Wars: Spoilers & Speculation

“Far above, far above, We don’t know where we’ll fall. Far above, far above, What once was great is rendered small.” Unless you have been living under a rock you know that Darth Maul will be returning to The Clone Wars for the final story arc of Season Four. This may leave you scratching your […]
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Darth Plagueis Commentary: Prolouge – Chapter 3

Darth Plagueis Commentary Prologue – Chapter 3 Darth Plagueis is the type of Star Wars Expanded Universe book that begs a deeper look. Over the next month or so we will be taking the book in parts and doing an in-depth commentary. Various members of the Star Wars Report staff will weigh in on the […]