Darth Plagueis: At Last We Will Have Revenge – SWBTF #6

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films!

This is the second of three episodes discussing the Star Wars novel, Darth Plagueis. Joining your hosts, Nathan and Mark, once again is guest host Peter Morrison!

Darth Plagueis provokes many interesting theories and thoughts about the Force and it’s usage. Is the Force more like a sentient being than we first thought? What are these interesting ways of creating, and destroying, life using the Force? Are there limits to the power of the Force and what you can do with it? Force-healing with the light and dark side, what are the differences?

More discussion about the history and background of the Sith followed, with a focus on Darth Maul’s training and background, and the involvement of the Nightsisters in this aspect of the plot.

Also, there were a few comparisons of Sith to vampires….

Darth Plagueis is a fascinating novel, one of the reasons why being the multiple “plot breadcrumbs” that wind their way throughout the book. You’re always making new discoveries as you read.

Enjoy this episode of Star Wars Beyond the Films!

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