I must confess, I have loved pop-up books since I was a child and that love only intensified as I ran a children’s department at a Barnes and Noble for a few years. The first Star Wars pop-up book actually came out while I worked there and I spent many hours playing with it and showing it […]
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The Skywalker Saga – Review

Since it’s release in 1977, Star Wars has been part of the lives of so many people since birth. Kids grow up with Star Wars: ABCs books, Little Golden books, a kids Youtube channel devoted to Star Wars, but now there is a perfect way for parents and children to share the Saga together; Star […]
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Industrial Light & Magic Presents: Making Solo: A Star Wars Story – Review

I unabashedly love Solo: A Star Wars Story, so when I heard that there was going to be a “making of” book about it, I was excited. Not only would this offer a look behind the scenes, but it also had the added draw of being authored by Industrial Light & Magic’s own Rob Bredow […]
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Solo: A Star Wars Story Novelization – Review

It’s been a good year for Star Wars books. Most Wanted, Thrawn: Alliances, and The Mighty Chewbacca and the Forest of Fear are just a few examples of the good stories that have been released. This month Del Rey released the novelization of Solo and, like they did with The Last Jedi, it’s an “Expanded […]
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Thrawn: Alliances – Review

There was, Vader had noticed, a strange sort of symmetry in the Force, a balance that often manifested in patters and resonances and strange reunions. People long separated would unexpectedly meet again; events of significance would see echos of themselves within new events; places once visited would somehow draw a person back to create new memories, […]
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Most Wanted – Review

One of the best things about a new Star Wars film are the books that come out in support of them and Solo: A Star Wars Story is no exception. Last Shot by Daniel José Older was a wonderful companion to the movie, giving depth to both Han and Lando around the time of Solo but also […]