Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan, Daughter of Anakin and Padme, Mother of Skywalkers- pick your title for our beloved royal highness cause in this week’s episode we discuss our Top 5 Leia Moments! From the halls of the Tantive IV to the jungles of Ajan Kloss, we look at some of the most powerful moments […]
As Random as a game of Pazzak
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Stories of Light and Dark – Review

The Clone Wars wrapped up it’s seventh and final season this May, leaving fans with a bittersweet feeling, knowing there would be no more of the series. In celebration of the series Disney Lucasfilm Press has released Stories of Light and Dark. The book is a collection of eleven stories from the seasons of The […]
Nostalgia and Star Wars- TWL #392

We are joined by our buddy Greg Cass, EyeOnCanon on Twitter, to discuss the role nostalgia plays in Star Wars. Is it good for the franchise or does it leave us stuck in a certain place? Tune in to listen to us work our way through these incredibly pertinent questions in both fandom and the […]
Legends From The Expanded Universe- TWL #391

When Disney took over, the Expanded Universe was renamed as Legends and so many of those stories that spanned nearly three decades have become exactly that; Legends! We discuss some of our favorite stories from the old Legends canon in this week’s episode! Stick around after the episode for the second episode of the ANH […]
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Free Fall – Review

The character of Poe Dameron was not supposed to live beyond his salvation of Finn at the beginning of The Force Awakens, yet J.J. Abrams was so taken with the character, he worked out a way for him to survive. Fast forward to 2019 where The Rise of Skywalker finally gave fans a peek behind the […]
Are You An Angel- SW Lessons #2

Karl is joined by Marie-Claire Gould of the What The Force Podcast to discuss the pivotal moment in The Phantom Menace where Anakin meets Padme for the first time and all that that means for the mythos of Star Wars! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!