The Ultimate Marathon to Prepare for Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

After 42 years, the Star Wars “Skywalker” Saga is coming to an end with its finale, Episode IX: The Rise Of The Jedi. If you are reading this, you’ve likely participated in a Star Wars movie marathon at least once in your life, and perhaps multiple times as new movies have been released. But if you’re only watching the movies, you are missing out on a big chunk of the story. Ever since Disney’s introduction of an increasing amount of alternative canon material (such as TV series, novels, comics, and games), marathon options have become much more exciting.

For each recent Star Wars film that has been released, I’ve created and participated in a comprehensive marathon challenge, which has made my cinematic experience on opening night nothing short of spectacular. Experiencing The Star Wars Canon in chronological order adds a level of continuity that brings the saga to life in an incredibly satisfying way.

I’ve prepared and outlined below 4 levels of The Rise Of Skywalker Star Wars Marathon Challenge to accommodate fans of all varieties. Each level increases in length by including more and more non-film canon media, and will rewards challengers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the Star Wars Saga. Choose whether you will pace yourself over a 6-month period or binge in single day. “It is your destiny.”



Initiate Challenge

If you are new to the Star Wars universe or if you consider yourself just a casual fan, may I first applaud you for finding your way to this post and reading this far! Your challenge is to read Master & Apprentice (a ‘prequel to the prequels’ novel featuring Qui-Gon Jinn & Obi-Wan Kenobi) before watching the Star Wars Episodes in chronological order. It’s time to get your feet wet to get a taste of the Star Wars Universe beyond the films. “Ready are you?”

Click here to see the recommended calendar schedule for completing this challenge.

  • Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

Your adventure awaits! This challenge contains about 30 hours of content and will be best enjoyed if done within 2-3 weeks of December 15th. Extra credit for completing it within 4 days of the premiere!



Padawan Challenge

The next level is for those fans who have watched all the films a few times, but have yet to explore much of the additional canon media. Your challenge, in addition to watching all the films, is to dig into the additional canon relevant to the events of The Rise Of Skywalker (focusing on the “balance of the force” prophecy and Palpatine’s contingency plan). You will add a few episodes from the animated Clone Wars TV series that focus on the elusive balance of the force and a few of the novels that begin to fill the gap between Episode VI: Return of the Jedi and Episode VII: The Force Awakens. “These are your first steps.”

Click here to see the recommended calendar schedule for completing this challenge.

  • Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

This challenge will take about 60 hours to complete, but will be well worth it. I recommend pacing yourself and spending 1-2 hours a day starting near the end of October.



Jedi Knight Challenge

This level is for those of you that have watched the movies multiple times, catch yourself using star wars quotes in everyday situations, and own at least one pair of Star Wars socks. Your challenge is to add multiple novels, TV episodes and even video games to your marathon. You will focus on 1) the backstory that explains more about the prophecies of “balance of the force” 2) stories that include clues about the Unknown Regions and The Emperor’s contingency plan and 3) the new canon media being released prior to the film. “A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind.”

Click here to see the recommended calendar schedule for completing this challenge.

  • Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

You will be surprised at how well the pieces begin to fit together in ways you never knew before as you fill in parts of the back story. This challenge will take about 130 hours and will take some serious planning, so I strongly recommend pacing yourself over a 4-5 month period.



Jedi Master Challenge

To you, Star Wars isn’t just an entertaining story: it’s a historical documentary (after all, it did happen a long time ago). You can name the planets in the Outer Rim more readily than those in our own Solar System. You practice your Wookie growl in the shower. You’ve even attempted going an entire day communicating only in Star Wars quotes. You are prepared to do what it takes to have the ultimate Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker experience. Your challenge is to fully immerse yourself in the films, TV series, novels, junior readers, short stories, and video games. “Try not. Do… or do not. There is no try.”

Click here to see the recommended calendar schedule for completing this challenge.

  • Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker

This challenge will take about 200 hours, and is recommended to begin in June, 6-months before the premier of The Rise Of Skywalker. “Remember, your focus determines your reality.” If you will persevere, you will be rewarded with a once in a lifetime Star Wars cinematic experience. “May the force be with you.”


Author: Jacob Burdis

Co-founder and COO at / Learning Enthusiast (PhD) / Language Guru / Star Wars Nut / Keyboardist / Husband and father of 3

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