Year in Review 2012: The Uhm, Other Stuff – SWBTF #52

The Old Republic, Star Wars Kinect, The Clone Wars, Angry Birds and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR ticket to the EU!

This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, respected aliens around the galaxy, The Defender of the EU; Mark Hurliman, and your EU Guru; Nathan P. Butler, sit down to discuss the uhm, other stuff, released in 2012 in the Star Wars Universe.  Strap in and tighten your crash webbing, Star Wars Beyond the Films is setting off on another rapid-fire trip into the galaxy far, far away!

The guys ponder an up coming episode concept with their ‘better halves’ and how Star Wars impacts their families. How did the year 2012 stack up for your hosts? Well come listen and find out.

TOR goes free to play to Level 50
TCW Adventures continues
KOTOR Collection (1 and 2) on PC 
Star Wars Angry Birds 
Kinect Star Wars (Xbox 360 with limited edition Xbox 360 system)
X-wing Miniatures Game (starter set, Wave 1’s four ships, and dice pack) 
Edge of the Empire RPG beta version with 10 weekly update PDFs 
SW Dice App (tying into the other Fantasy Flight Games materials) 

The Clone Wars: Season 4 (Escape from Kadavo through Revenge, Darth Maul Returns DVD at Target and Season 4 DVD/BD release) 
The Clone Wars: Season 5 (Revival through ??) 
LEGO Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out 

Deaths of Bob Anderson, Ian Abercrombie, Ralph McQuarrie, Winston Rekert 
Celebration VI 
Lucasfilm & Disney 


Once again, your dynamic duo cover entirely too much Star Wars 2012 action in their ONE hour, but don’t worry, give it a go; you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you might even get a little education on the EU while you’re at it. But no matter how you slice it and dice it, you’ll be having another adventure Beyond the Films. So sit back, hang on, enjoy the show, and may the Force be with you!

Also be sure to check out the latest SWBTF Video Links from your hosts:



Author: admin

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