One Sith, Two Sith, Red Sith, Lost Sith (3 of 3) – SWBTF #34

Greetings Fanboys, Fangirls, EU Fans, and returning Beyonders!
And welcome to Star Wars Beyond the Films!

This week true believers, your EU Guru; Nathan P. Butler, and The Defender of the EU; Mark Hurliman, continue on with their look back at John Jackson Miller’s Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories. This week they wrap up their three part coverage of the newest premium trade paperback by Del Rey by covering Pandemonium.

We have a winner for our Celebration 6 contest! Marissa (insert last name) Congradulations! The hosts also explain their plan for the next few episodes.

Nathan breaks down where we are in the story, as well as publishing sides of things. Which leads to gripes- and points of view when it comes to gripes- what’s yours?

Size? Price? Characters? Era placement? Something else?

This leads the hosts to discussing e-books and paperbacks as well as collecting and branching out. As well as how this might factor into the publishing side of things.

Do you fear a bait and switch? If you fear that’s the case with the Lost Tribe: The Collected Stories, well the hosts explain why you shouldn’t worry.
Digital concerns lead to reverse comparability and how that might effect you the SWEU reader. Mark still wants to see Del Rey publish a book in Hardcover,

Paperback, Audiobook/ ebook, and all that at once to see just which format readers most prefer.

Jumping into the story- Mark explains his fascination with SWEU Maps, and how he’d have liked one world map just to make understanding content placement better.

The hosts also discuss John Jackson Miller, as well as some of his Mass Effect work, which leads them to again pondering about the new Dark Horse Comics Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral comic series.

Nathan hopes Spiral won’t suffer the Babylon 5-fifth season scenario. (if you have no idea what this means; go watch Babylon 5 you’ll quickly understand when you reach season 5.)

Both hosts were taken back by Quarra’s secret mission is an affair. Could this be the SWEU’s first adultery?

The hosts discuss how John Jackson Miller has a habit of giving readers STRONG Female characters. And he seems to do it well! Keep it up Sir!

This leads to a discussion of Kerra Holt, as well as other prominent characters and moments brought to readers by Mr. Miller. As well as playing with assumptions. The man is king.

Mark discusses scenes that could hold their own. Where action occurs off page but so epic in action it could hold its own as a short story. Unlike some other short stories that were so obscure readers hardly even care.

While some may have felt the series was a collection of “too short” stories, the hosts both felt it worked as a collection, the pacing kept the story moving, if anything it could have even added more stories to the mix; or even a second volume later down the line. Mark explored the ending, how it left him both satisfied, and yet conflicted, wanting more. But how that is NOT a bad thing!

The hosts end with discussing the accessibility of this story compared to the larger EU. Mark dares Del Rey to multi-format release to see if Hardcovers are the real numbers or not. Nathan explains how that might not work.

Another must listen episode with your dynamic duo, way too much to cover in one set of shownotes. So once again, enjoy and may the Force be with you!


Author: admin

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