1313 Nomo Fett – SWBTF #24

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films!

On this episode your hosts Nathan and Mark discuss the latest in Star Wars, particularly the news about 1313.

What do we know? And what did we think we know?

Pop Block: Is the snapping neck the Mature theme coming into play? And is that something we’ve been gearing towards with SW Games since Episode 3?
CT 1313: Boba used this id during the Boba Fett Junior novels.
Mark and Nathan look at other games that could be similar to 1313, starting with Bounty Hunter.
Is Fett the Superman of the SWEU?
Nathan calls Fett a Jedi… Mark ponders if regular individuals are more attuned to the Unifyin Force.

EUCantina recently covered the 1313 preveiw courtesy Brien Bell, and this week’s episode the guys use Gametrailer videos to geek out.
Interior ship combat game-play is amazing, the detail, the game-play, the adventure! Nathan explains “in engine” and what that means, and how it applies to 1313. Will it be PC? Nathan explains how we shouldn’t bet on it only being PC. Can the current gen consoles handle this game? Or is it being built for the next gen console’s sequels? This all leads Nathan to run down the processing power of the next gen consoles and how that applies to our gaming excitement, as well as what “porting over” means. Nathan shares his inner gamer, while Mark outs himself as a gamer who fell off the couch.

Combat walkthrough with commentary: Looks like the ship the guys are on gets breached and the droids are stealing cargo.
Dark and gritty: what will that mean for the game?

Both hosts are really excited about the story set in the game Star Wars: 1313, the depths of Coruscant explored.
Is Force free or Force full the way to go in Star Wars games?

Ship crash game-play: Woah, no way should regular beings (aka non Force sensitives) be doing that! The Force is obviously with them.  Again the graphics and the depth of the scenery jump right out.
Is 3rd person good or bad in this setting? Should they have the option of 1st? Imagine this game in 3D!!! Nathan’s already drooling, and sees a lot of parallels with the game Uncharted. Mark asks the listeners a gaming question. Oooh, interactive PODCASTING!!

Navigation cinematic: The depth in the footage is just insane. This is Sparta! I mean Coruscant.
Anyone know when this game is set? This sets Mark off onto a rant. Star Wars 1313 could play a lot like Republic Commando.

Your hosts also discussed an E3 debut interview, and the game’s Mature rating. Is this due to the hands on way of dealing with the enemy? Some games are rated T with as much violence as we have seen thus far. No naked Twi’leks please. This may be the closest to a Call of Duty or other military style game in the franchise so far, a Battlefront of the new era, perhaps?
Mark confesses his secret evil….
All this and more on this week’s episode of Star Wars Beyond the Films!

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