Note: This is not a review. Here, we simply take a few bits, force them to become our slaves, torture them and turn them into mindless killing machines. Welcome … to the Star Wars Report. As always SPOILERS from here on out. On Rebels, The Antilles Extraction, the rebels send in their deadliest weapon to […]
Wedge Antilles
Star Wars Updates, Upgrades, and Expansions – CCC Ep. 042

This week its a whole slew of new as Fantasy Flight Releases their newest wave of X-wing and announce their next Force pack for the card game and some new ships for Armada. On The video game side of things, we talk more about the Uprising update after getting some time with it as well […]
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Star Wars Authors’ Version of The Force Awakens

The “How I Would Have Written The Force Awakens Author Panel” at Dragon Con 2015 was, as the title suggests, about how several Star Wars authors – namely Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole, Rebecca Moesta, and Kevin J. Anderson (with Paula Rosenberg moderating) – would have written Star Wars: The Force Awakens. To be clear, this […]
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“Sorry”: The Wedge Antilles Problem

by: Joseph Tavano Wedge Antilles is a beloved ancillary character in the Star Wars universe. He appears in all three movies in the original trilogy and in numerous Legends works. He is honored in cosplay, fandom, and pop culture. Everyone loves Wedge. I love Wedge, too! He’s the everyman of Star Wars. The rebel soldier […]
Alderaan Remains – SWBW #25

Star Wars Weekends kept us busy for the month of June but we are back with a new episode and some new guests! First time guest Paul DePaola (EU Cantina, Fanboys Talking) joined us and talked about his fandom, comics, and his 501st membership. Another first time guest, Johnamarie Marcias (Now This is Podcasting, The […]
Like Wraith’s In The Night – SWBTF #38

Wraith Squadron! Aaron Allston! X-Wings! Wedge, Wes, and Face! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films, YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR ticket to the EU! This week true believers, Fanboys, Fangirls, and respected aliens around the galaxy, your EU Guru; Nathan P. Butler and The Defender of the EU; Mark Hurliman recruit […]