Jump into this pixelated episode where we share our Top 5 Star Wars Video Games from the SNES to the PS4! From dog fights over the trenches of the Death Star to storming Endor as a Rebel soldier, we share our many highlights from the world of SW video games over the years!
video games
Jedi Challenging Nate’s Patience and Other Adventures In Gaming- C3 Ep. 075

This episode we focus mostly on Lenovo’s Jedi Challenges and Nate’s first hand experiences with it. We also discuss some last minute Battlefront II news as we prepare for it’s impending release. Of course there is some quick Fantasy Flight Games and X-Wing discussion and the usual shenanigans from the boys. ALSO GUNBOATS!
The all new News news- CCC Ep. 058

You know when you type that 3 times in a row it’s a really weird word. Three times may seem like a lot but you what, this is a jammed packed episode as Fantasy Flight dropped the bomb on us with HUGE wave announcements for X-wing, Armada, Imperial Assault, and the CCG. So listen now […]
Lego The Force Awakens and other shenanigans- CCC Ep. 054

This week we discuss the newly released Lego The Force Awakens game as well as some new X-wing stuff, Michael’s play through of The Force Unleashed 2, and Star Trek fan film restrictions. Listen now and join in on the fun!
Full TFA review… Part 1 – CCC Ep. 030

Bruce and Michael are spending another episode talking over this years greatest film Star Wars The Force Awakens! Actually due to the length of the discussion they will be talking in depth about the film both this episode and next!
Exposing The Casino – CCC Ep. 024

This week we are joined by Jeremy Williamson of Star Wars Expose Join us in our discussion as Jeremy talks about the mission of Star Wars Expose as well as some fun discussion on Disney Infinity 3.0, Star Wars Battlefront, cosplaying, and much much more.