Nate and Michael are back this week and they are discussing news from Gencon 2016, Frontwire Studios getting slapped with a cease and desist, The new Collectible Dice game from Fantasy Flight Games, and more! You can find us On Facebook or Twitter @cloudcitycasino
video game
Full TFA review… Part 1 – CCC Ep. 030

Bruce and Michael are spending another episode talking over this years greatest film Star Wars The Force Awakens! Actually due to the length of the discussion they will be talking in depth about the film both this episode and next!
The Spoils of Star Wars TFA – CCC Ep. 029

Bruce and Michael are back in the Casino and ready to talk about everyone’s new favorite Movie The Force Awakens. Joining them this week is Kevin “The Raider Nerd” Reitzel. If you haven’t seen the film you might want to save this one in your pod catcher until after you get a chance to […]
Return of The Big Guy – CCC Ep. 006

New wave of X-wing ships, Regionals, and the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront! Riley Blanton Joins us in the Casino to talk about all this and more! Ed is back from regionals and ready to discuss some X-wing! So come on in, and take a seat in our V.I.P. Lounge here at Cloud City Casino. This […]