After a few technical difficulties, (Cursed phrase, I know.) we present you with The Star Wars Report, episode #5! On this episode we speak of some rather old news as I had a little trouble with our editing software. Boba Fett movie!?!?!?! The hosts express many points of view on the baddest (in the good way) […]
The Clone Wars Weekly Roundup
Greetings Troops, and welcome to this week’s TCW Weekly Roundup! If you have been living under a rock, you may not have heard about a little gathering of fanboys and fangirls of the popular arts that occurs every July in San Diego, California called Comic-Con. This little get together generated lots and lots of news […]
The Star Wars Report
Why The Star Wars Report? Good question! Simply put; rebranding. To which you may ask: why re-brand? Again a simple answer: to reach more casual listeners. Of all the Solo Sound Podcasts, only The Bothan Report seemed the most “all encompassing” which is great for what we have been working so hard for with Solo Sound as a […]