Riley is joined by Aaron Goins of Star Wars Bookworms and Author Adam Bray to chat about all of the latest SW happenings! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Star Wars Scrapbook: Star Wars Kid

Greetings Bothans! What follows is a post about the Star Wars memories of a long time fan, Stuart Tullis. Reminisce about battles set in a galaxy far, far away, at a time that we have long passed, with characters, creatures, and stories we shall always love. Many of you will know Stuart, a fan of RebelForce Radio, […]
Why Star Wars Rebels Will Be Better than The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars was an Emmy Award winning series which premiered in theaters on August 15, 2008 and subsequently on television on October 8, 2008. The series’ television run ended on March 2, 2013 with the conclusion to Season Five, before seeing a brief, 13 episode revival on Netflix on March 7, 2014. […]
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The Clone Wars Weekly Roundup 12/1

This week in TCW news we have a look ahead to the second part of the Slaves of the Republic arc, TCW scheduling news and links to some great Clone Wars content. In this week’s episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Anakin and Ahsoka trade in their roles of Master and Apprentice for the […]
Dragon* Con! Friday – SWR #10

Our recap of Friday at Dragon* Con! Friday morning started out, for us, with a William Shatner panel! There was a long, snaking line to get into his panel, and Riley and I were able to get into an overflow room where we saw Mr. Shatner live on a large projector screen. William Shatner is […]
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The Clone Wars Weekly Roundup

Greetings Troops, and welcome to this week’s TCW Weekly Roundup! A good Sith Master imparts bits and pieces of Dark Side knowledge to his Apprentice. This practice serves to make the Apprentice a more valuable tool for his Master’s will, and prevents the Apprentice from learning all his Master knows and quickly attempting to murder him. At […]