We are joined by guest Emily Pelletier once again to discuss moments of Pride in the Star Wars saga! From Leia’s pride in Rey to Hera’s pride in her families, we look at characters and how their sense of Pride helps to define what matters to them! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! […]
For The Cause- TWL #385

Standing up for a cause you believe in is a central theme in Star Wars! In this episode, Karl explores the characters of Jyn, Han, and Finn and how they choose to stand up for causes they believe in and looks at how important this message is in our world right now! The Wampa’s Lair […]
2019 Year in Review: The Comics – SWBTF #247

An Era in Podcasting comes to and end. And another Chapter begins… Nathan P. Butler is retiring. Oh, and it’s the end of the highly anticipated Annual Beyond the Films Year in Review for 2019! How did the Comics fare in the eyes of your hosts? What was their favorites? Most meh? All this, and […]
- Reviews
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Queen’s Peril – Review

The Phantom Menace introduced viewers to the youngest queen ever elected on Naboo and her loyal handmaidens who not only helped serve her, but also protector in a variety of ways. The depth and the breath of just how this group was formed and came together has often been discussed by fans since 1999. Now, […]
Thematic Mayhem- TWL #384

We wrap up our musical May by discussing our Top Musical Themes in the Star Wars saga! From the sweeping romantic melody of “Across the Stars” to the pumped up “Rogue One” theme, we have a great time finishing out this Musical May! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, […]
Rey’s Heroine Journey- TWL Special

Karl is joined by friend Lurie Kimmerle to discuss Rey’s Heroine Journey in the Sequel Trilogy! Lurie has her M.A. in Applied Theatre focused on feminist storytelling and Theatre of the Oppressed, and is currently studying Theology at Boston College concentrating on feminist theology. She is the founder of AltarWomen an organization that supports women […]