We are joined by special guest Jamie Dwyer, creator and producer of the “Duel of the Fates” podcast which is a radio dramatization of the Episode IX script by Colin Treverrow! We discuss the creation of the radio drama as well as some of our favorite story elements introduced in this alternate story ending for […]
The Bad Batch’s Wampa Weather Forecast – SWR #440

Sam Witwer talks The Bad Batch, John Boyega has ‘moved on’ from Star Wars, Pedro Pascal thinks Baby Yoda is not too shabby, new Hasbro and Hot Toys figures, and Boba’s Bounty. Bruce Gibson sits in for Riley and is joined by his guest co-host, Katie Nickolaou (@weather_katie).
Dooku- TWL #388

We dive into a character study of the unforgettable Count Dooku as we explore his complex story that has been developed through the movies, the Clone Wars, novels, and of course “Jedi Lost”! Grab your finest cape and join us as we discuss the gallant Count of Sorreno! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on […]
The Butler Retires: Feedback & Farewell – SWBTF #248

An Era in Podcasting comes to and end. And another Chapter begins… I know, I know, we’ve said it before, but with Nathan P. Butler retiring from Podcasting after over 18 years… well he’s kind of a big deal. How are the hosts handling the transition? Who all wrote in for Nate’s Swan Song Episode? […]
Raising An X-Wing- SW Lessons #1

In this new monthly segment of Star Wars Lessons, Karl sits down with artist Joe Hogan to talk about the powerful scene in The Empire Strikes Back where Yoda raises Luke’s X-Wing from the swamp. They look at why this scene means a lot in what it has taught them as well as how important […]
Follow That Speeder- TWL #387

We discuss our Top 5 Chase Scenes in Star Wars this week! From the stunning spectacle chase through the skies of Coruscant into the dips and dives of the asteroid field, we wind our way through some of the most exciting sequences in the saga! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure […]