The Clone Wars Season 5 Episode 2 Review Hello and welcome back to this week’s review of Star Wars: The Clone Wars! The season returns in it’s second episode of season five with the Jedi aiding a group of rebels on a separatist world in A War on Two Fronts. The episode features our main trio […]
Star Wars: X-Wing- The Bacta War
A Couple Ole’ Rogues – SWBTF #37

Rogue Squadron! Michael A. Stackpole! X-Wings! Corran & Wedge! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films, YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR ticket to the EU! This week true believers, Fanboys, Fangirls, and respected aliens around the galaxy, The Defender of the EU; Mark Hurliman, and your EU Guru; Nathan P. Butler, draft […]