Ever since Lucasfilm and Disney XD unveiled their latest Star Wars television series, Star Wars Rebels sometime last year, I have been enthralled with the latest exploration of the Star Wars universe. Aside from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, there’s no doubt in my mind that Rebels is the absolute best Star Wars production since […]
star wars the clone wars
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Women in Star Wars: April 2015

Happy Star Wars Day! The latest Women in Star Wars continues to shine a spotlight on female fans and their contributions to the Star Wars community. First, happy belated birthday to Star Wars fangirl Bethany Blanton! She celebrated her birthday during Star Wars Celebration, and by browsing through her Instagram, it looks like she had a fantastic time! […]
Who Is Fulcrum? Now We All Know!

Who Is Fulcrum? Now We All Know —shazbazzar For those of us who loved Star Wars: The Clone Wars from its outset to its premature end, the announcement of a new Star Wars animated series on Disney XD resulted in mixed emotions. Many of us were frustrated that one of Disney’s first moves after purchasing […]
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Jedi Visions: Insights or Opportunities?

Jedi Visions: Mere Insights into the Future or Opportunities to Change Course? In the most recent episode of Star Wars Rebels, “Vision of Hope”, Ezra Bridger has visions of fighting alongside Gall Trayvis, the self-styled “Senator in Exile” who has been the source of information (or misinformation) for the Ghost’s small band of rebels. Despite […]
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Crystal Crisis: A Legacy Refracted

Greetings Bothans! What follows is a post about the recent Star Wars: The Clone Wars Crystal Crisis arc by friend of the Star Wars Report, Joseph Tavano! Be sure to check out Joseph’s new website RetroZap, a pop culture and narrative art site which currently has some of his thoughts on Star Wars Rebels. Without further […]
Why Star Wars Rebels Will Be Better than The Clone Wars

Star Wars: The Clone Wars was an Emmy Award winning series which premiered in theaters on August 15, 2008 and subsequently on television on October 8, 2008. The series’ television run ended on March 2, 2013 with the conclusion to Season Five, before seeing a brief, 13 episode revival on Netflix on March 7, 2014. […]