On this episode of The Wampa’s Lair podcast we get all warm and fuzzy as we talk about our Star War roots, what keeps us connected and coming back for more! It’s an episode filled with nostalgia and laughs, so come along for the ride!
Star Wars collecting
Thrift Wars- TWL #508

We are joined by Silver from Star Wars Thrifting to talk about her experiences with Star War collecting! From the joy of finding unexpected surprises to creating a space that represents you, we cover it all! Now let’s go thrifting!
Collecting The Force Awakens merchandise and Pfeifer-con? – CCC Ep. 035

This week Bruce and Michael are joined by special guest Eric Pfiefer who own one of the largest Star Wars collections in the Mid-West and organizer of the annual Pfeifer-con! This is one riveting discussion talking about Eric’s roots in collecting and Star Wars fandom, The Force Awakens, his art gallery, and Pfeifer-con. Strap in […]
Exposing The Casino – CCC Ep. 024

This week we are joined by Jeremy Williamson of Star Wars Expose Join us in our discussion as Jeremy talks about the mission of Star Wars Expose as well as some fun discussion on Disney Infinity 3.0, Star Wars Battlefront, cosplaying, and much much more.
3 Amazingly Bizarre Star Wars Collectibles

The Star Wars saga is perhaps the most well known and most loved film series ever created. With six films having been released and another four in the pipeline, it seems like the last forty years of Star Wars fever won’t be ending any time soon, and one can be safe in the knowledge that […]
Shadows of the Death Star – SWBW #18

Reviews this episode: Ewoks – Shadows of Endor (comic digest) Death Star Owner’s Technical Manual (reference guide) Another episode? So soon? That’s right, it’s still January and we already have two episodes on the books. Since we didn’t do any reviews in last week’s episode we decided to do another episode right away to get […]