Right before Christmas I decided that I was going to give my 1st generation iPad to my mom for Christmas. She was going to use it more than I and I felt like being generous. The only downside for me was that I would be losing my E-Reader. Now I still had my smartphone that […]
Star Wars books
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Star Wars at New York Comic Con 2012

The place to be this week if you are a fan of sci-fi, comics, pop culture, and general geeky goodness is New York Comic Con which starts on Thursday, Oct 11th. Of course there will be plenty of Star Wars represented at the 4-day con. If you are planning to go to the con, here […]
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Star Wars Reads Day

FANS AND VOLUNTEERS GEAR UP FOR STAR WARS READS DAY Over 1200 Bookstore and Library events throughout the US to be held October 6, 2012 NEW YORK, NY., September 18, 2012 – On Saturday, October 6, 2012, over 1200 bookstores and libraries across the United States will host events in celebration of a national Star […]
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Top 10 Standalone Star Wars Novels

Lately I have been hearing concern from fans of the Star Wars Expanded Universe. They say the universe is too big and bogged down in continuity for new fans to jump in. I disagree. Yes, there are A LOT of novels and many of them are a part of a LONG series, but there are […]
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Full Cover of Star Wars: Scoundrels Revealed

Over at the official Star Wars Books Facebook page the full cover for the upcoming Timothy Zahn novel Scoundrels has been revealed. Looks like some pretty interesting characters are on the roster including (from left to right) Kell Tainer, Winter, and new characters Zerba Cher’dak, and Bink Kitik. Check out the image below. – […]
2011 Year in Review: The Comics – SWBTF #3

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! On this episode Mark and Nathan discuss the comics and characters from the Star Wars expanded universe in 2011! And also howling wolves, the movie Saw and omnibuses vs omnibi. (I’m only partially kidding.) They look forward to new series of comics, and enjoyed learning new things […]