If you could get any guest to help review the novel A New Dawn, who would it be? Vanessa Marshall, right? We did that. Vanessa Marshall, the voice of Hera Syndulla, joined us for the entire episode and we were crazy excited. NYCC. We talk with Vanessa about her experience at New York Comic Con […]
Star Wars books
Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy

Get Star Wars Costumes: The Original Trilogy book on the 28th of this month! PRESS RELEASE: STAR WARS® COSTUMES: THE ORIGINAL TRILOGY By Brandon Alinger Forewords by John Mollo, Aggie Rogers & Nilo Rodis-Jamero Photographs by Joseph McDonald 9½ x 12¾ in 226 pp Hardcover ISBN: 9781452138053 $60 Who can forget […]
Star Wars Reads Day: The Empire Invades!

Greetings Bothans! What follows is a post about some adventures had at this past weekend’s Star Wars Reads Day! Many of you will already be familiar with Paul DePaola who writes for a number of Star Wars fan sites and is also a podcaster, but be sure to check out his geek site Fanboys Talking! With that, […]
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Book Reviews for Star Wars Reads Day

Greetings Bothans! What follows is a set of short reviews of Star Wars books from Mitchell Stein over at MickeyMindset.com! He prepped these in preparation of the upcoming Star Wars Reads Day. Be sure to check out your local libraries, bookstores, etc. for Star Wars Reads Day events! With that, I’ll turn it over to […]
The Death of the Prequel Era – SWR #119

On this week’s podcast, Mark and I talk about the death of the Prequel Era and much more! Including: Living in today’s era of Star Wars Philosophy behind film releases So how many SW books does Mark actually own Easter eggs in the upcoming films And more! Download the mp3 HERE: (Right-click and “save as”) Be sure to […]
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Title Announced for New Princess Leia Novel

Del Rey just announced on Twitter and Facebook the title for the upcoming Princess Leia novel. STAR WARS: EMPIRE AND REBELLION: RAZOR’S EDGE Here is their announcement from Facebook.