REVIEW: Salutations one and all! Brief reminder: this is not a full review. Here we just look at one or two things because I’m too busy crying into my Porg mug to come up with many cogent thoughts. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. Rebels has returned this week with a one-two punch in the form […]
Sabine Wren
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How I Met Your Mother, Rebels Edition

Salutations, all! Quick reminder: this is not a full review. No matter how many cool things that I really, really want to talk about, I take a closer look at only a few bits. And as always, SPOILERS from here on out. This week on Rebels, Legacy of Mandalore, which doesn’t take place at all […]
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Greetings! It’s worth noting, after nearly two years, that I’m still not doing full reviews, but making examinations into certain aspects. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. This week on Rebels, Trails of the Darksaber, it’s the training montage (just, you know, without the montage) episode to turn ordinary Sabine into Queen Sabine via […]
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On Rebels, Saw Gerrera Gets The Worst Kinder Egg Surpise

Howdy doodly, readerinos! No, I’m not calling you a rhino, that was just a badly thought out intro. Anyhoo: this is not a full review but a closer look at a few of the cooler bits. As always, episode SPOILERS as well as minor Rogue One SPOILERS from here on out. Welcome back, everyone! Did […]
Sabine And Ezra Are The Worst. Guards. Ever. On Rebels

Welcome! Quick note: this is not a full review. Instead we take a look at a few things, strap a jet-pack on them and bid them adieu – right into a canyon because honestly that would be hilarious to watch. I may have a problem. This week on Rebels, Imperial Supercommandos – because why bother […]
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Everyone Needs a Hobbie On Rebels

Note: This is not a review. Here, we simply take a few bits, force them to become our slaves, torture them and turn them into mindless killing machines. Welcome … to the Star Wars Report. As always SPOILERS from here on out. On Rebels, The Antilles Extraction, the rebels send in their deadliest weapon to […]