Star Wars Beyond the Films‘ Nathan P. Butler is now posting short, non-spoiler reviews for many new releases. Spoiler-filled discussion will often follow in the weeks or months thereafter on the podcast. Thrawn by Timothy Zahn (hardcover, 2017) Left to right: regular version, Barnes and Noble exclusive variant, Star Wars Celebration 2017 Variant In 1991, Timothy Zahn launched […]
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Blu-ray Review

Note: Rogue One spoilers will be discussed in full! That moment when I walked into the theater knowing I was about to see a new Star Wars movie… few theater experiences give me chills like these moments. Rogue One made me laugh, made me cry, made me sit enraptured in my seat, theater snacks forgotten, […]
Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold – A Beyond the Films Review

Star Wars Beyond the Films‘ Nathan P. Butler is now posting short, non-spoiler reviews for many new releases. Spoiler-filled discussion will often follow in the weeks or months thereafter on the podcast. Adventures in Wild Space: The Cold by Cavan Scott (softcover, 2017) The Cold is book #5 in Adventures in Wild Space, though technically the sixth entry in the series […]
Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire’s End – A Beyond the Films Review

Star Wars Beyond the Films‘ Nathan P. Butler is now posting short, non-spoiler reviews for many new releases. Spoiler-filled discussion will often follow in the weeks or months thereafter on the podcast. In the case of Empire’s End, discussion was recently released in episode 216 of the podcast. Aftermath: Empire’s End by Chuck Wendig (hardcover, 2017) The third […]
Aftermath: Empire’s End – Review

This review does contain spoilers. Star Wars fans’ first taste of the end of the Empire came in Lost Stars as the Imperial characters in that book experienced the Battle of Jakku. It was the first taste of the end of all things for the Empire as seen in The Original Trilogy. Now, in Chuck Wendig’s final Aftermath book, Empire’s End, fans finally have the […]
Visual Debt – SWBW #69

The Last Jedi! New Star Wars title announced today! Oh and we released a new episode of Star Wars Bookworms. Three womprats. We were joined by friend of the show, William Devereaux, who hails from the Ion Cannon podcast. He’s back.. again. We discuss the upcoming Darth Maul comics from Marvel. More Rogue One. A […]