Star Wars: The Next Generation “Midnight Madness” As a young father with limited resources, my Star Wars toy habit was on hiatus when the prequels were released. Admittedly, I would peruse the toy aisles in Wal-Mart and Target when the family was shopping, and the Star Wars aisles at Toys ‘R’ Us and Kay-Bee were […]
Rebel Legion
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Star Wars Weekends Parade

This past weekend I attended the final 2015 Disney’s Star Wars Weekends at Walt Disney World! It was a fantastic experience as usual, and I had a lot of fun experiencing Disney, going to panels with Star Wars guests, and hanging out with friends, family, and fellow fans, podcasters, and bloggers! At each Star Wars […]
Star Wars Reads Day: The Empire Invades!

Greetings Bothans! What follows is a post about some adventures had at this past weekend’s Star Wars Reads Day! Many of you will already be familiar with Paul DePaola who writes for a number of Star Wars fan sites and is also a podcaster, but be sure to check out his geek site Fanboys Talking! With that, […]
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Dragon Con 2014: Highlights from the Parade

Dragon Con’s annual parade was bigger than ever this year! Costumers from around the southeast gathered to parade along in the sweaty heat of downtown ATL this past labor day weekend. The following are some picture highlights from this year’s parade:
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Dragon Con 2014 Saturday

Hello there! Our second day at Dragon Con began with us sleeping in a bit after a late night. The first thing Riley and Bethany did was to go see the famous Dragon Con parade! With hundreds of cosplayers from a wide variety of genres, franchises, and a mix of both, the parade was definitely […]
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What are You Most Thankful for in Star Wars?

As Star Wars fans, we’re often thinking of our favorite characters, having discussions about Star Wars with fellow fans and friends, analyzing the latest, comic, book or The Clone Wars episode, and (typically) having a good time doing so. Our normal state of fandom, as with any fandom, I believe, usually remains in this zoomed […]