Salutations, all! Reminder: this is not a full review. Instead, we just look at one or two things because I was so enraptured that I literally forgot to take notes. No, seriously. As always, SPOILERS from here on out. This week’s offering of Rebels culminated in A World Between Worlds, which … featured a lot of stars. Honestly, did […]
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NYCC: Ashley Eckstein Talks Her Universe, Ahsoka’s Future

What is the future of Ahsoka? Is her future connected to Mortis? How did a small clothing brand become a leading voice in the Geekgirl movement? Voice actor and entrepreneur Ashley Eckstein has answers. This week we were fortunate enough to interview Ashley from the floor of New York Comic Con. What follows is a […]
Balance of the Force: Prophecy

“He is the Chosen One. You must sense it.” Qui-Gon Jinn insisted that the boy would be trained, with the consent of the Jedi Council or by his own hand. He believed, as did many others, that Anakin Skywalker was the Chosen One of prophecy — the One who would bring Balance to the Force. After […]
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Balance of the Force: Symmetry

Balance of the Force: Symmetry shazbazzar “The Jedi were real!” “Used to wonder about that myself. Thought it was a bunch of ‘mumbo-jumbo’. A magical power holding together good and evil, the Dark Side and the Light. Crazy thing is, it’s true. The Force, the Jedi…all of it. It’s all true.” The words of Han […]
Balance of the Force: Harmony

Balance of the Force: Harmony shazbazzar “May the Force be with you.” Nearly forty years ago, movie-goers emerged from theaters with the phrase in their minds and on their lips. For decades, it has prevailed in pop-culture, eventually leading to “May the Fourth” being regarded as “Star Wars Day” globally. The Force has become part […]
Who Is Fulcrum? Now We All Know!

Who Is Fulcrum? Now We All Know —shazbazzar For those of us who loved Star Wars: The Clone Wars from its outset to its premature end, the announcement of a new Star Wars animated series on Disney XD resulted in mixed emotions. Many of us were frustrated that one of Disney’s first moves after purchasing […]