This episode Michael is joined by Teresa Delgado of “Fangirls Going Rogue” “Star Wars Book Worms” “Sabers and Spells” and “Disney Vault Talk” to discuss The Clone Wars Season 2 episode 13 Voyage of Temptation.
Michael Morris
Mandocast- Chapter 8 of The Mandalorian “Redemption”

This episode Michael is joined by Riley Blanton and Bruce Gibson of “The Star Wars Report” as well as Scott Ryfun of “My Star Wars Story” to discuss Chapter 8 of The Mandalorian “Redemption.”
Mandocast- Episode 6 of The Mandalorian “The Prisoner”

This episode Michael is joined by Johnamarie Macias of “Geeky Bubble Pod” , “Beskar Pod” , as well as Christine Morris of “The 602 Club” , “Planet Leia”, and “Sabers & Spells” to discuss episode 6 of The Mandalorian “The Prisoner.”
Welcoming Nate Back, and More Cancelled Star Wars Games – C3 Ep. 086

Nathan is back so he and Michael are playing catch up on all the goings on in Star Wars gaming the past few months. The main topic of course is the latest cancellation coming from EA which was to be an open world game set in The Galaxy Far Far Away. Due to the amount […]
Battlefron VR, Scarif and Remembering Carrie Fisher – C3 Ep. 063

It’s been a while since our last show but the holiday season is over and we are ready to get back in the casino and talk the two things we like best; Star Wars and Gaming! Now that Michael has the trip down to see Nate and check out the Battlefront VR mission the guys […]
Playstation VR – C3 Ep. 062

This episode we briefly discuss the new TFA Lego Star Wars expansion, No Man’s Sky, and whats happening over at Frontwire Studios. Then we dive into the new Platystation VR which both Nate and Michael have now experienced.