Who’d have thought that a simple bit of facial hair, or lack of it, could reveal secrets of the next Star Wars films? With so many secrets to keep, it’s hardly surprising that the stars and cast of Star Wars must find it incredibly difficult to keep the lid on plots, characters, and storylines, however […]
Mark Hamill
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The Most Important Thing I Learned At Celebration 2016

It was at the International Star Wars Fandom panel, early Saturday morning, to be precise. Now, it’s not an earth-shattering thing, certainly, and con-goers will have learned this long before some halfwit writing pretentious long-form did so. But please forgive me, I’m new to this world. Celebration Europe 2016 was not just my first Celebration, […]
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Inside the Future Filmmaker Discussion at Celebration Europe

This was the final major panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016, and I was rather sad. I didn’t want Celebration to be over, to leave my Star Wars friends, old and new, some of whom I got to meet in person for the first time. But, all good things come to an end at […]
Mark Hamill’s Q&A Panel

Riley was fortunate enough to make it in time for the Mark Hamill Q&A Panel at Star Wars Celebration Europe. Not only was he able to get some pictures, he also heard some hilarious tales. After getting funneled in amongst throngs of passionate Star Wars fans at the Excell center, London, I found myself seated […]
Living a Star Wars Lifestyle with Chris Pirillo- CCC Ep. 047

On this episode Michael is Joined by content creator Chris Pirillo. We discuss his unboxing for Lucasfilm on Force Friday, what he thinks of Rogue One, Star Wars collecting, his daughter Jedi, and over all living a Star Wars lifestyle.
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The Blu-ray Awakens: Our TFA Review

Just like you, I have been spending the past few days voraciously consuming all of the bonus content on the recently-released Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-ray. (Thanks to the kind folks at Lucasfilm for sending us a review copy.) As always, spoilers from here on out. When it comes to special features and home […]