A few months ago, Lucasfilm announced that they were putting together a new team called the Story Group. This group of Canon champions (including Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo, two long-time curators and mavens of the EU) had the task in place to ensure that everything that was created within the Star Wars universe would […]
Lucasfilm Story Group
So, What is the Lucasfilm Story Group? – SWR #117

On this week’s podcast, Mark, Teresa, Aaron and I touch on the future of the franchise! Including: Hoth-like weather Tantivee IV? The Lucasfilm Story Group Comics move to Marvel Future of SW book publishing What is the word on the novel ‘sword of the jedi’? Will the Spin-Off release dates will be affected by Episode 7’s […]
Goodbye Dark Horse, Hello Story Group – SWBW #17

No reviews this episode, just discussion. With all the rumblings around the Star Wars Expanded Universe fandom right now we wanted to take an episode and weigh in on the latest news. We welcome friends of the show Josh Stolte (TechnoRetro Dads, Tron Decoding the Grid) and Tricia Barr (Fangirls Going Rouge, Fangirl Blog) as our guests […]