Apocalypse Review About three years ago the Fate of the Jedi series started with the novel Outcast. If you stuck with the series you know that Luke was exiled from Coruscant, Daala was in charge of the Galactic Alliance, Ben has a Sith girlfriend, Abeloth is a threat to the galaxy, and Jag and Jaina […]
Lost Tribe of the Sith
2011 Year in Review, the Uhm, Other Stuff – SWBTF #4

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! On this last 2011 year in review, Mark and Nathan discuss ebooks, video games, and the state of Star Wars. (Or is it E-books, eBooks or Ebooks?) Nathan enjoys Ebooks, and among those talked about in this episode was Lost Tribe of the Sith. Did you guys enjoy […]