Bob Iger of Disney is slowing the Star Wars train down. Bruce, Mark, and Michael discuss the upcoming future of Star Wars, alcohol in Galaxy’s Edge, episode titles for Resistance, Adam Driver on SNL, and introduce a new segment called, “Growing Up Hurliman.” Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be sure to subscribe, rate and […]
Solo Musings – SWBTF #236

What did Mark and Nathan think of Solo: A Star Wars Story? Find out this episode! How was the cast? Story? Effects? Should we have more films with this new cast? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket […]
Operation Puffer Drop – SWR #339

Luke is beardless and Lando is coolness. Bruce and Michael are joined by Nathan P. Butler to talk about the character of Lando Calrissian and what they’d like to see if he’s in Episode IX. They also talk about Mark Hamill’s new smooth face and how this impacts Episode IX. Of course, they cover the news, Boba’s […]
Awkward Parents Day at the Jedi Order – SWR #335

A character study of Han Solo from Solo: A Star Wars Story to The Force Awakens. Plus, we get a hint at what George Lucus would have put in his sequel trilogy. We also look at characters in Star Wars: Resistance, rumors of Kathleen Kennedy leaving Lucasfilm, a first-look at the Jedi: Fallen Order video […]
The Toxicity of Fandom: Feedback Edition- SWBTF #235

Fear not! Your hosts have heard your call! They have climbed virtual mountains to see what all the commotion has been about. And when they saw… they had to process… and called upon Beyonders past and present to help them examine the current toxic-state, our Fandom has found itself in. Is all lost? Are we, […]
Gangbusters on Fire for Solo – SWR #333

Examine the connective tissue between Solo and the Star Wars universe, and hear from Star Wars: Last Shot author Daniel José Older. We also look at the Solo box office, the rumored Boba Fett movie, Star Wars Celebration tickets, Boba’s Bounty, and more! Bruce Gibson and Mark Hurliman are joined by Scott Ryfun (My Star Wars Story) […]