Vader’s new rivals, Cylo the Cylon? A Padme’ presence? Is it Doctor Aphra herself? All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, respected aliens […]
Doctor Aphra, Anakin, and the Lost Arc (1 of 2) – SWBTF Ep 181

A brave new Canon! Vader stays strong despite being the Empire’s scapegoat. Who is Dr. Aphra? All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, […]
Skywalker Strikes Back (2 of 2) – SWBTF Ep 180

Han has a wife? Boba hunts Luke? Vader learns the pilot’s name!?! A brave new Canon! All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, […]
Skywalker Strikes (1 of 2) – SWBTF Ep 179

Princess “Hardcore Militant Extremist” Leia, Luke “I’m not much of a Jedi, but I sure can bulls-eye a Womprat in a T-16” Skywalker, Han “I’m your Envoy” Solo, and Chewie “Yeah-you-said-days-but-I-can-fix-it-in-minutes” ‘Bacca. All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of […]
Lords of the Sith – SWBTF Ep 178

Lord Vader and Lord Sidious side by side against Ryloth, what could go wrong? Cham Syndulla gambles everything to win big. While Belkor Dray seeks to oust Moff Mors, but was he successful? All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast […]
Dueling Ambitions of the Knights of the Old Republic (Part 2 of 2) – SWBTF Ep 177

Zayne Carrick Xtreme Speeder Racer! Is that Emma Frost? What’s going on with Jareal? And why you shouldn’t call the new canon an Expanded Universe. All this and so much more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, […]