Before Rogue One there was Catalyst! Who is Galen Erso? How did Orson Krennic rise to power? How did Tarkin become Krennic’s rival? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom […]
Beyond the Films: Rogue One – SWBTF #214

What did we think of Rogue One? Listen and find out! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom lies Beyond the Films. This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, respected aliens around the galaxy, […]
The Maul That Might Have Been… – SWR #259

What would the Darth Maul video game look like? We have more images of the would be Sith Lord’s game, Rogue One additional Easter eggs, Chewie loses his cookies and Plunk loses an arm, all this, and much more! All on this week’s episode of the STAR WARS REPORT! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! […]
2016 YIR: Films, Television, & the um… other stuff – SWBTF #213

The Beyond the Films 2016 Year in Review begins here! This episode we focus on the Star Wars Films, Television and the um… other stuff! Catch all this, and more! All on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far […]
Battlefron VR, Scarif and Remembering Carrie Fisher – C3 Ep. 063

It’s been a while since our last show but the holiday season is over and we are ready to get back in the casino and talk the two things we like best; Star Wars and Gaming! Now that Michael has the trip down to see Nate and check out the Battlefront VR mission the guys […]
2016 Year In Review: Games – SWBTF #212

The Beyond the Films 2016 Year in Review begins here! This episode we focus on the Star Wars Games of 2016, which will be an episode all on its own this time around, and rounding us out next episode; Films, Television and the um other stuff… Be sure to catch all this, and more! All […]