Just what did Saw Guerra train Jyn Erso to be? And how bad was his betrayal that left her all alone? Just how hard was her life growing up as an orphan of the Empire?! All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast […]
Twittersplaining Star Wars – SWR #289

We wish Bethany a fond farewell! Talk Forces of Destiny, Pablo and the C-Word! (CANON!), Is Fan on Fan trolling on the rise? When will we get to see the next TLJ Trailer? All this, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Thrawn… …need we say more?! – SWBTF #218

There is TRUTH in Legends! Thrawn is back! Witness the rise of Thrawn, and discover what puts him on his path into STAR WARS: REBELS, oh and Price has a role too! All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR […]
Beyond the Celebration – SWBTF #217

Captain Phasma lives! Rebels coming to an end? More TV series coming? Trailers, books, comics, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom lies Beyond the Films. This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, […]
It’s All About The Cape – SWR #281

In this episode, Padme almost killed Anakin in the original ROTS storyboards! Also, we review concept art from the new Han Solo movie, preview the Darth Vader: Year One comic which changes the “Noooooo!”, and discuss Kylo being the fastest-growing boys name! Bruce Gibson is joined by Scott Ryfun and his Nissan Star Wars car […]
Aftermath: Empire’s End – SWBTF #216

At last! Empire’s End!? No, not THAT one… The AFTERMATH one, the CANON one. The one where we ask: How did the New Republic neutralize the Imperial threat? What have Han, Luke, and Leia been up to? What has Norra Wexley’s Imp Hunters been doing since Life Debt? All this, and more, all on the […]