Is Captain Rex officially in ROTJ? John Boyega talks The Last Jedi and Carrie Fisher! There’s a new writer for Episode IX. Riley Blanton and Bruce Gibson talk about their Boba’s Bounty and much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Han Solo
DO or Do-NUT, There is No Try – SWR #292

New LEGO sets! John Powell composing Han Solo film! Behind the scenes of the AOTC puppet for C-3PO, and much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Solo Fallout – SWR #288

Forces of Destiny on the horizon! R2 sells for 3 million! Lucas runs into TMZ! The Han Solo film- do we need this film? Are all the most recent developments the writing on the wall for the Untitled Han Solo film? All this, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure […]
Ron Solo – SWR #287

Han Solo- new direction: Lord and Miller are out? Ron Howard is in! Anakin and Ahsoka are back in action? Is there ever such a thing as too much Star Wars (revisited) More Star Wars coming to Netflix! All this, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and […]
More of a Big Mac Guy – SWR #282

Happy 40th Anniversary to Star Wars! Steve Glosson and Michael Morris join Bruce Gibson in reminiscing about the past forty years of Star Wars. In the news, a new Cassian & K-2SO comic, a Mace Windu comic mini-series and how Lucasfilm found inspiration for Rogue One. Then we review Han Solo movie set photos, some […]
It’s All About The Cape – SWR #281

In this episode, Padme almost killed Anakin in the original ROTS storyboards! Also, we review concept art from the new Han Solo movie, preview the Darth Vader: Year One comic which changes the “Noooooo!”, and discuss Kylo being the fastest-growing boys name! Bruce Gibson is joined by Scott Ryfun and his Nissan Star Wars car […]