We kick off another Musical May by taking a deep dive look at the Deluxe Soundtrack for Solo: A Star Wars Story by John Powell! Having every piece of music from start to finish highlights the musical genius and storytelling ability of Powell and we lovingly jump into the wonder of this score! The Wampa’s […]
Han Solo
Never Tell Me The Odds- SW Lessons #5

After a bit of a hiatus, we’re back with a new episode of Star Wars Lessons! Savanna Oudit from The Dorky Diva podcast drops in to share how the famous Han Solo quote, “never tell me the odds,” has helped her throughout much of her own life; from making her own cosplay trooper outfit to […]
For The Cause- TWL #385

Standing up for a cause you believe in is a central theme in Star Wars! In this episode, Karl explores the characters of Jyn, Han, and Finn and how they choose to stand up for causes they believe in and looks at how important this message is in our world right now! The Wampa’s Lair […]
Skywalker, Arise- TWL #365

We continue our conversation about The Rise of Skywalker by looking a bit more into the parts of the movie that really worked for us! From the theme of chosen family, to Ben’s redemption, to all the tangents in between, join us for this deeper look into Episode IX! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available […]
Scene It- TWL #335

We each bring a different scene that has been on our minds lately to talk about. From the interrogation chamber on Genosis, to the shoot out on Kessel, and into the lair on Crait we hit some incredible scenes and dive deep into their importance! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure […]
My Old Friend- TWL #327

Companionship is a huge part of the Star Wars story as it highlights the importance of having dear, close, and best friends! We sit down to discuss some of our favorite companionships in the saga from R2 and 3P0 to Han and Chewie, so grab a good buddy and enjoy! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is […]