Greetings Bothans! What follows is a post about the Star Wars memories of a long time fan, Stuart Tullis. Reminisce about battles set in a galaxy far, far away, at a time that we have long passed, with characters, creatures, and stories we shall always love. Many of you will know Stuart, a fan of RebelForce Radio, […]
Han Solo
Honor Among Jawas – SWBW #24

This episode we don’t have any major discussion topics but we do have two great guests to help us review the novel Honor Among Thieves. We were thrilled to have first time guest Shazbazzar from the Techno Retro Dads podcast. Returning for the first time since our 3rd episode we also have James Floyd from […]
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The Top 3 Friendships in Star Wars

Friendship is one of the strongest themes in the Star Wars franchise. It’s just amazing to see how important the role of friendship is played throughout the films. Specifically, in the Empire Strikes Back, it’s shown just how much Luke’s strong friendships shaped the destiny of the galaxy. So without further ado, the following are […]