Filming of Episode IX has ended and other movies are in the works. We also talk about new LEGO sets, Triple Force Friday, fan theories, and Christy Morris’ new monthly SWR segment, ‘Fashion in Five.” Join Christy, Bruce Gibson, and Riley Blanton for even more Star Wars talk! The Star Wars Report is available on Apple […]
Force Friday!
Star Wars Authors at Dragon Con 2017 – SWBW #79

Force Friday brought us some brand new merchandise and book releases. And porgs. So many porgs. We talk about it all and include panel audio from Dragon Con in this episode of Star Wars Bookworms! Cute mynocks? Aaron doesn’t do a great job defending himself and his indifference to porgs. All the toys. We talk […]
Trevorrow and Rebels S4 Trailers – SWR #297

DragonCon Recap, Trevorrow out of Episode IX, Rebels Season 4 Trailer, Force Friday II, Boba’s Bounty, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
New Ships and Rogue Friday Debates- C3 Ep. 061

Ok Scoundrels you don’t want to miss this episode as Michael and Nate breakdown the new wave of ships for the X-Wing table top. Then they discuss Rogue Friday which leads to a pretty heated debate! Is this the last time these two will podcast together? Spoiler alert: no, no it is not. None the less, […]
Bloodline Friday – SWBW #62

With cool events coming up and much anticipated books on the horizon, we have a lot to talk about on this episode of Star Wars Bookworms. Force Friday. Or is it Rogue Friday? We talk about the toys we like and why Teresa doesn’t know who Cassian Andor is. New York Comic Con starts on […]
Star Wars episode VIII postponed? – CCC Ep. 034

Bruce and Michael are back at it again! This week they give their opinions on Lucasfilm pushing episode VIII back to December of 2017, Adam Driver on SNL, some cool black series figure customizations, and the new figures coming out of Hot Toys. You don’t want to miss this one scoundrels so click below to […]