Title: Star Wars: Crucible Author: Troy Denning Release Date: July 9th, 2013 Warning: This review may contain minor spoilers. Where to even begin? I blame myself for how I feel about this book. I was so excited for it. Too excited. Han, Luke, and Leia together again on an adventure? This was going to be like […]
Fate of the Jedi
Tribal Sith Spiraling – SWBTF #58

Tribal Sith, Dark Jedi, Sith Lords, Leviathans, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR Star Wars discussion podcast! YOUR ticket to the EU! This week true believers, Beyonders, Fanboys, Fangirls, respected aliens around the galaxy, The Defender of the EU; Mark Hurliman, and your EU Guru; Nathan P. Butler, sit […]
Fate of the EU… Uh, Jedi – SWBTF #21

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! EDITORS NOTE: Ahead there be spoilers…. consider this your warning! This week Mark and Nathan are joined by Intrepid Bothan Reporter and Lightsaber Rattling Jedi, Peter Morrison, to discuss the Fate of the Jedi series as a whole. Mark ponders the excerpt at the start and end […]
Future of the SWEU – SWR #46

Hey there, welcome back to another episode of the Star Wars Report podcast. It’s just me (Riley) and Mark this time! We’ve been very busy painting the house this week but not too busy to sit down for an hour and talk some Star Wars! We talked about next week’s LIVE AOTC commentary, Chris […]
Apocalypse 2012…. – SWBTF #20

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! This week the guys explore the final chapter of the Fate of the Jedi series. Was adding Mortis into the plot a good or bad thing? How does one stop the multiple man? (Abeloth) Did the series get the closure it needed with Apocalypse? Quick show of […]
Keep it on the Rails! – SWBTF #17

Welcome back to Star Wars Beyond the Films! This week’s discussion is about Star Wars publishing. Is it better having a series written by one author, co-authored, or multiple authors? Mark tries out a new recording room this week, and Nathan keeps outing himself this month. What is you stance on the big series? Has Del […]