Thrawn has defeated Yiv the Benevolent and in the aftermath, the Chiss Expansionary Fleet roots out the leftover Nikardun nests. Unbeknownst to the Chiss, the phantom menace of Jixtus is secretly working to insight a civil war in the Ascendancy. Will Thrawn and his allies be able to decipher his plot and stop him in time? […]
Del Rey
Tales of the Jedi: Beast Riders of Onderon – SWBTF #257

Welcome to THE HIGH REPUBLIC! Woops, wrong Continuity! This one’s Legends!So, let’s try again; Welcome to the Old Republic! Sit back for some Tales of the Jedi! An Era where Jedi stood watch across the wilds of the Galaxy. Darkness lives, and the Jedi find themselves smack in the middle of it all. All this, […]
- Reviews
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Doctor Aphra – Review

Last year, Del Rey released its second audio production, Doctor Aphra. It was in the same vein as Dooku: Jedi Lost, but this audio play is an expanded adaptation of Aphra’s Marvel comic series, issues one through six. The book is the script of the audiobook. I loved the audio play for Dooku: Jedi Lost but I have not had […]
The High Republic: A Test of Courage – SWBTF #256

Welcome to THE HIGH REPUBLIC! An Era where all hell has just broke loose! What does fate have in store for the Jedi, the Republic, the Galaxy, and the Force itself? Mark and Jim ask these very questions! All this, and more, on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! […]
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Victory’s Price – Review

The events of Shadow Fall have left Alphabet Squadron shattered and picking up the pieces in light of Yrica Quell’s betrayal. They have a chance to take down Shadow Wing for good as Operation Cinder rears it’s ugly head again, forcing Alphabet Squadron to defend Imperial worlds from destruction as the Empire eats its own. The end of the […]
2020 Year In Review: Books, Comics, and the Um… Other Stuff – SWBTF #255

Another exciting look back in the 2020 Year in Review! How did the publishing world of Star Wars fare? How hard hitting was the shows coming to our home televisions through Disney+? How did the Games stack up? And just what is this Star Wars Podcast Day? All this, and more, on the next Star […]