Riley and Mark celebrate 350 Episodes of Star Wars Report goodness this week! They look at the recent “Too much, too fast” announcement from Bob Iger, New Falcon ride details, Kathleen Kennedy gets a 3 year extension, and a new Resistance trailer, and yet, so much more! Star Wars Report is available on Apple Podcasts! Be […]
Del Rey
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Solo: A Star Wars Story Novelization – Review

It’s been a good year for Star Wars books. Most Wanted, Thrawn: Alliances, and The Mighty Chewbacca and the Forest of Fear are just a few examples of the good stories that have been released. This month Del Rey released the novelization of Solo and, like they did with The Last Jedi, it’s an “Expanded […]
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Thrawn: Alliances – Review

There was, Vader had noticed, a strange sort of symmetry in the Force, a balance that often manifested in patters and resonances and strange reunions. People long separated would unexpectedly meet again; events of significance would see echos of themselves within new events; places once visited would somehow draw a person back to create new memories, […]
Solo Musings – SWBTF #236

What did Mark and Nathan think of Solo: A Star Wars Story? Find out this episode! How was the cast? Story? Effects? Should we have more films with this new cast? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket […]
That’s Not How The Force Works – SWR #336

Solo & Star Wars spin-off films. Rumors swelled this week about the standalone “A Star Wars Story” films…off-again, on-again. We break it down along with listener feedback, a possible remake of The Last Jedi, author Chuck Wendig’s tweets, Boba’s Bounty, and more! Join Bruce Gibson, Michael Morris, Christy Morris, Matt Rushing, and Bria LaVorgna. Star Wars Report is […]
The Toxicity of Fandom: Feedback Edition- SWBTF #235

Fear not! Your hosts have heard your call! They have climbed virtual mountains to see what all the commotion has been about. And when they saw… they had to process… and called upon Beyonders past and present to help them examine the current toxic-state, our Fandom has found itself in. Is all lost? Are we, […]