An examination of new shots in the latest International trailer and the “Hope” TV Spot… [UPDATE: Now also covering the extended version of the new International trailer and several more new TV Spots!] A young Jyn Erso runs as Orson Krennic’s ship flies overhead. Is she running to warn her father, or fleeing from the […]
Death Star
Rogue One “Trailer 2” Breakdown

WARNING: Possible spoilers by way of speculation and analysis ahead. Orson Krennic’s ship landing on what looks to be a ringed planet where Galen and young Jyn Erso are living. “Jyn. Whatever I do…” – Galen Erso “I do it to protect you.” – Galen Erso Galen Erso watching Krennic and his Death Troopers […]
Battlefront Death Star DLC- CCC Ep. 060

This week the boys discuss the abrupt news that Star Wars Uprising has been cancelled right before going into the main discussion of the new Battlefront Death Star DLC.
Rogue One International Trailer & The Erso Family

Warning: Possible SPOILERS for Rogue One In the new international trailer for Rogue One (which includes a few new shots, extended shots, and reused shots from previous footage) the new piece of story information we have is that Jyn’s father, Galen Erso, is the one responsible for sending an intercepted coded transmission regarding the imminent […]
Rogue One Trailer Breakdown

WARNING: Possible SPOILERS for Rogue One. The trailer opens with an amazing shot of a plateau city on Jedha. We know now, according to the official Databank entry, that Jedha is “a small desert moon frosted by a permanent winter.” Jedha was home to one of the first civilizations to explore the Force and […]
Examining the Rogue One Celebration Reel

NOTE: A very small “spoiler” ahead from the teaser trailer shown exclusively to the Celebration audience. I only remark on it to confirm the identity of a character seen in the reel. Jyn Erso’s Homeworld Here we see the planet where Jyn’s father, Galen Erso, is living. I believe this is likely the first scene […]