We talk about the exciting news about the Cassian live-action show as well as Jason’s experience at Tuscon Comic-Con and round out the discussion by talking about cosplay: why people do it and what Katie plans for Celebration! The Wampa’s Lair podcast is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
7 Must See Star Wars Characters at the Dragon Con Parade

Dragon Con is bigger and ‘badder’ every year. For many Star Wars fans, including us here at the Star Wars Report, Dragon Con is our home convention. Each year the Star Wars presence at the Dragon Con parade becomes more and more impressive. Star Wars Report Executive Editor Bethany Blanton was on the ground documenting some […]
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Press Release: Dragon Con Parade will be Broadcast Live on the CW Atlanta!

Dragon Con and The CW Atlanta (Channel 69, WUPA) have announced that the 2016 Dragon Con Parade will be broadcast live on The CW Atlanta on September 3, beginning at 10:00 AM. This is the first time that the Dragon Con Parade has been televised. The parade will be hosted by Brian Richardson from DragonConTV, with […]
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A Trooper’s Point of View: Costume Malfunctions

You’ve researched for weeks, you’ve stayed up late every night finishing it before the upcoming convention, but you have finally done it. You have made your very first costume. It’s time to wear it out to the show and join the costuming and cosplay fun you’ve seen online. What do you do if a piece […]
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A Trooper’s Point of View – Building a TIE Fighter Pilot Part 2

Previously, we discussed the basics of trimming the armor kit. This time, we are getting into more of the fun stuff. Now I’m beginning to assemble pieces and it’s actually starting to take shape. I have to admit that my anxiety around this build has been pretty high. I think it’s two-fold. First, I gave […]
Lego Star Wars Show coming, Costuming, and life size BB-8 with The Real McCoy – CCC Ep. 037

Michael is manning the Casino alone this week but James Clarke is joining him to discuss some of his costuming and website work. They also getting into some of the Toyfair news such as the life size remote control BB-8 coming from Spinmasters and the newly announced upcoming Lego Star Wars series.