It’s been a little while since Dragon Con, but I was remembering this past labor day weekend’s convention fondly recently as the weather has continued to change, and “The Last Jedi” approaches. Dragon Con is a great convention experience for Star Wars fans, and I wanted to do a throw back post of this most […]
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The Most Important Thing I Learned At Celebration 2016

It was at the International Star Wars Fandom panel, early Saturday morning, to be precise. Now, it’s not an earth-shattering thing, certainly, and con-goers will have learned this long before some halfwit writing pretentious long-form did so. But please forgive me, I’m new to this world. Celebration Europe 2016 was not just my first Celebration, […]
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Star Wars at New York Comic Con 2012

The place to be this week if you are a fan of sci-fi, comics, pop culture, and general geeky goodness is New York Comic Con which starts on Thursday, Oct 11th. Of course there will be plenty of Star Wars represented at the 4-day con. If you are planning to go to the con, here […]
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Star Wars at Wizard World Philadelphia

Star Wars at Wizard World Philadelphia 2012 This past weekend Wizard World came to Philadelphia. Being a fan of all things pop culture and since Philly is right in my back yard, I of course had to attend. I went to Wizard World Philadelphia last year as well. Last year’s con was fun but not […]
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Star Wars Celebs to Appear at Wizard World Philadelphia

If you are a Star Wars fan the Pennsylvania Convention Center is the place to be from May 31st to June 3rd for Wizard World Philadelphia Comic Con. Star Wars celebrities will be in attendance including Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca), Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett), Nick Gillard (stunt coordinator for the Prequels), and Sam Witwer (voice of […]