Fear not! Your hosts have heard your call! They have climbed virtual mountains to see what all the commotion has been about. And when they saw… they had to process… and called upon Beyonders past and present to help them examine the current toxic-state, our Fandom has found itself in. Is all lost? Are we, […]
Welwala: State of Our Fandom II – SWBTF #234

Listen to the most controversial 2 hours in Podcasting! Nathan’s Star Wars Timeline Gold comes to an end! Learn why, as your hosts delve into the recent concept that Fandom is more Toxic than ever. But is it really? Your hosts explore that, Fan Fellowship, and take a look to the past, into the days […]
The Last Jedi Feedback – SWBTF #233

Our The Last Jedi Beyonder Feedback Episode! Your thoughts, your Ponders, as well as general feedback! All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom lies Beyond the Films. This week true […]
The Falcon has 3 Brains! – SWR #324

Join Riley and Mark as they discuss The Last Jedi Blu-Ray special features and deleted scenes, George Lucas’s Ending. Sphero’s Droids, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
2017 Y.I.R.: The Films, Television, and the Uhm… Other Stuff – SWBTF #232

Another Annual Beyond the Films Year in Review! What NEW Films, Television and other stuff did we get last year? How did it all fair? What did your hosts like, and dislike from 2017’s selection? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast […]
2017 Year In Review: The Games – SWBTF #231

Another Annual Beyond the Films Year in Review! What NEW games did we get last year? How did those Games fair? What did your hosts like, and dislike from 2017’s selection? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket […]