This episode, TLJ details, new dates, characters, ships, planets, and insight into the title meaning! Comparing Legends Luke to Canon Luke. Plus Kathleen Kennedy continues to shed light on upcoming films, what kind of ingredients are in Blue Milk anyway? The winner of the Hasbro Fan Choice Award, and more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! […]
Celebration Thrawn-hued Blues – SWR #279

This episode, Mark looks at the latest book and comic news from SWCO, as well as gives a SPOILER-FREE review of Thrawn, the news release date for Episode IX, the Lego Mark Hamill Can Handle video circulating, D23 and Kathleen Kennedy shed light on upcoming films, and more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure […]
Rebels Finale Reaction + Celebration Station – SWR #275

This episode, Dave Filoni talks about the Rebels creative process, The Last Jedi Merchandise has started hitting shelves, and we’ve got more Celebration Orlando Updates than you can shake your credits at! Plus so more! All on this week’s episode of the STAR WARS REPORT! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and […]
The Chosen One Twist – SWR #273

We learn who was the REAL Chosen One?! Discover what new Rogue One revisions have been revealed; alternate endings, differences in characters, and so more! All on this week’s episode of the STAR WARS REPORT! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Aftermath: Empire’s End – SWBTF #216

At last! Empire’s End!? No, not THAT one… The AFTERMATH one, the CANON one. The one where we ask: How did the New Republic neutralize the Imperial threat? What have Han, Luke, and Leia been up to? What has Norra Wexley’s Imp Hunters been doing since Life Debt? All this, and more, all on the […]
Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel – SWBTF #215

Before Rogue One there was Catalyst! Who is Galen Erso? How did Orson Krennic rise to power? How did Tarkin become Krennic’s rival? All this, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your Fandom […]