The end is here! In an all out war for the Galaxy; the Sith, Jedi, Empire, and Alliance, find themselves all turning to a man named Skywalker…. But what fate does the Force hold for a man who walks in shadows and denies his Legacy? Has Lord Krayt found a way to be triumphant? All […]
Battlefront II: Inferno Squad! – SWBTF #223

Iden Versio and the rest of Inferno Squad are charged with eliminating the last of Saw Gerrera’s Partisans, but will the mission be too much for these Imperial Officers? Can they learn the identity of the mysterious Mentor? And just how well does the novel tie into the game? All this, and more, all on […]
Force Friday 2 – SWBTF #222

New Action figures, new books, new games, new gadgets, new housewares, a new Force Friday event has come! They cover all this, BB-8 On the Run, and more, all on the next Star Wars Beyond the Films. YOUR “Star Wars” discussion podcast! YOUR Podcast of Legends! YOUR ticket to that Galaxy far, far away! Your […]
Trevorrow and Rebels S4 Trailers – SWR #297

DragonCon Recap, Trevorrow out of Episode IX, Rebels Season 4 Trailer, Force Friday II, Boba’s Bounty, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Standalones are a comin’ Ani! – SWR #295

Mark and Riley talk about Standalone films! From the “Confirmation” of the Kenobi standalone film, to the a possible Boba Fett and Jabba the Hutt films. They discuss Ron Howard’s tweets, as well as talk about their Boba’s Bounty, and so much more! Star Wars Report is available on iTunes! Be sure to subscribe, rate and review!
Ewoks: Master Tailors? Or Souvenir Saving Cannibals? – SWR #294

Mark’s BACK! And Riley’s on the move! They get together to talk about Leia’s Dress in RotJ, Disney potentially backing out of Netflix, and starting their own streaming service? Kylo Ren’s Sith status, and they address some Fan feedback about Captain Rex being in ROTJ from the Mega Pod Episode, as well as talk about […]