Clone Wars
Dave Filoni Willing to Helm Star Wars Spin Off

Please. Yes. Please. In an interview with /Film, Dave Filoni stated he would be willing to Helm Star Wars Spin Off film. Dave is such an amazing ambassador to SW fandom. This would be fantastic news. /Film: For the next few years, you obviously are concentrating on Star Wars Rebels. But is a Star Wars spin-off […]
Clone Wars Seasons 1-6 CD Soundtrack Coming According to Kevin Kiner

As a fan of “the Wars,” there are few things I get more excited about than the release of the musical score. I will devour any SW music I can get my grubby paws on. So imagine my excitement to hear the possibility that Lucasfilm and Co. are FINALLY releasing a soundtrack for the 6 […]
Order 66 Arc (or RFRN Lives!) – RR Prelude #1

It’s the beginning of Rebels Roundtable and an encore for Republic Forces Radio Network as the team checks out the Order 66 arc of The Clone Wars in this Rebels Roundtable prelude episode. Republic Forces Radio Network lives! Well, sort of . . . As The Clone Wars reached the end of Season 5, the team behind Republic Forces Radio Network (a […]
Clone Wars: The Lost Missions – SWR #124

This week’s episode is brought to you by Big Bad Toy Store! On this week’s podcast, Pete Morrison joins me! We talk about the latest casting rumors, and all about the Clone Wars: The Lost Missions. Links: Keira Knightley on being Natalie Portman’s double Lupita Nyong’o rumored to be up for female lead in Episode […]
Photos And Clones- TWL #78

Join Karl and Jason as they FINALLY announce the winners of the first Wampa’s Lair Photocontest! Then stick around for a nice discussion on the latest Clone Wars episodes, The Lost Missions! Towards the end of the episode they also go over a recent poll of Lairian’s favorite TPM characters as well as announce their […]