Welcome back to the Star Wars Report! In this episode Riley is joined by Nathan P Butler as they talk about the Latest TCW season 5 trailer, Mandalorian rumors, SW 1313 and the latest news coming from SWCVI! Email: starwarsreport@gmail.com Facebook: facebook.com/starwarsreport Twitter: twitter.com/starwarsreport
Clone Wars
Favorite Film Characters – TWL #19

In their latest episode, Karl and Jason sit down with returning guest Kyle Avery from Frontlines to talk about their favorite characters from the six Star Wars films! From memorable characters like C3PO and R2D2 to everyone’s favorite villian, Darth Vader, the three hosts discuss what it is about these characters which they love so […]
“Why You No Like? You Stoopid!” – SWR #38

Welcome back to the Star Wars Report! On this episode of the Star Wars Report, Riley and Bethany are joined by William Deveroux of We Talk Clones fame for the first half of the show to talk about his experience at the Lucasfilm screening of TCW season 4 finale. […]
Obi-Wan Kenobi Pt. 2 – TWL #13

Join Jason and Karl as they sit down to finish their character analysis of everyone’s favorite goated Jedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi. From the battle over Coruscant at the beginning of Episode III to the merry conclusion of Episode VI, such memorable scenes as the duel with Darth Vader, his counseling of Luke Skywalker and his merging […]
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The Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 20 and 21 Review

Hello and welcome back to yet another The Clone Wars review here on the Star Wars Report! This week we’ll have not one, but two reviews (since I’m slightly behind on getting these out). First, we’ll cover Asajj’s epic bounty hunter team up in the episode “Bounty”. Then we take a look at Savage’s journey […]
Obi-Wan Kenobi Pt.1 – TWL #12

From a padawn braid to a Jedi’s goatee, Karl and Jason discuss the character development of Obi-Wan Kenobi between Episode I and the Clone Wars in this first part of a two part character analysis. From the wary, obedient padawan to the wry humor of a Jedi Knight forced to deal with an over-emotional padawan, […]